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Riddlesden St Mary


Our Summer 1 Journey

View our curriculum web to see what we will be learning this half term.

summer 1 half termly curriculum web.pdf

 View our homework activities for this half term linked to our topics. We hope the children will enjoy completing these activities and we look forward to seeing the children's amazing work.

summer 1 homework.pdf

 View our spelling booklets for this half term.

Group 1: 

year 2 spelling booklet group 1.pdf

 Group 2:

year 2 spelling booklet group 2.pdf


This half term, we have been reading The Ferocious Chocolate Wolf. We have enjoyed making predictions on the text, learning new vocabulary and inferring the character's thoughts and feelings. Watch the video to listen to the story!


We are now moving onto instructional writing. We are looking forward to writing instructions on how to make our own chocolate slabs! Here's a quick taster!


The new reading nook is being utilised well and we're enjoying having cosy reading sessions!





As part of our key question, 'Could you be the next Willy Wonka?', we have been learning about how chocolate is made and about the history of chocolate! Watch the video below to find out more about how chocolate is made.


We worked together in groups to put how chocolate is made in the correct order:


 We also used out maths skills to create a timeline on the history of chocolate:


The cooking group enjoyed learning how to cut their vegetables safely to create pizza faces! They were delicious!


 Click the link below if you would like to try these at home!


We have been learning about fractions! Watch the video to find out more.


We've also been learning about Length and Height to order and compare lengths using the words 'longer' ,  'taller',  'shorter', 'longest', tallest' and 'shortest'. We've been measuring in centimetres and metres with rulers, tape measures and trundle wheels. 

Get Moving with Mr Pumpernickel and learn about length and height

Solve problems about length and height

We've moved on to Mass, Capacity and Temperature. You can help your children at home to compare and order mass. Compare food items and estimate which food item will have the greater mass.  Use < (less than) ,> (greater than), = (equal to) symbols to compare. 



 We have been learning about Animals Including Humans (Biology) this term.  So far, we have been exploring the different stages of the human life cycle, discussing how a human changes over time. 

JC - When I was a baby, I couldn't eat proper food (solids) or talk or walk .

MAO- I couldn't ride my bike or swim and now I can do those things. .

IH- I would cry if I wanted food. I couldn't speak or sing. I made noises.

We were lucky to have a parent join us with their baby and we asked lots of questions to deepen our understanding of how babies grow. 



RE (Religious Education)

This half term, our key question is who is a Muslim and how do they live. We have been learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.


We got creative and created our own pictures to represent the 5 pillars of Islam. We also looked at different designs of prayer mats and had a go at creating our own design. 



Our value for this half term is trust. We have been learning about who our trusted adults are. Mother Teresa is our significant individual this half term. We have explored how trust can take years to build but only moments to break.  We read The Fox and the Crow (Aesop's Fable) to learn about what it means to be trustworthy. 

3 trusted adults.pdf